Thursday, February 11, 2010

Need for Surveys / Feedback Points

Ok so in an "unhealthy" customer service environment -- the need for feedback points is critical.  Most decent CRM/customer service software has a mini-satisfaction survey link built into most outgoing communication or it can be added to the templates.  Separately, a simple sentence asking if their needs have been met or are unhappy with a linked address that can be incorporated into email footers/templates.

For those that haven't notices -- even good to great customer service folks regularly include a link to a satisfaction survey in every customer interaction.

If there is no survey system / form -- then you may need to setup an online form that can post into your customer database and insert a link to an outside survey (i.e. survey monkey) or even a link to a hidden web page that posts into a Google Doc can work for simple capture.  One critical piece you want to make sure is included is a source code from which link did they get to the survey (email footer, email template, web site, etc.) -- this can expose if one area is generating most of the feedback for good or bad reasons.

The issues with surveys either ongoing or specific timeframes is that you need to compile them, analyze them and act on them.  If you use a disconnected system from your CRM - getting those survey results attached to a customer record may take some work -- but even knowing who has not completed a survey (so someone can reach out and ask for feedback) is important.  Plus knowing that someone who regularly surveys their experience poorly -- needs a higher level intervention.

1 comment:

  1. P, i did an anonymous survey with SurveyMonkey about 6 months ago. unfortunately, most of the congregation didn't respond to the electronic survey. i ended up creating a printed version which received more responses. i've compiled most, if not all of the data. i haven't shown them to anyone yet.... actually, i was going to just discuss it with Fr. Williams, but we never got a chance to meet.

    another church i work with did a Google Docs form. but i think they had a problem with the questions that they were asking. if i can dig that one up, i'll send it to you to review.
