Saturday, February 13, 2010

Coffee with Ed the true Web MASTER

Had a very good and detailed talk with Ed about tech, marketing and his experiences working with St. A's on the web front.  I'll be entering notes into this a bit later. Meeting was on 2/12.   But this was a key meeting to keep the momentum and move towards him being able to hand off some of the stuff still on his shoulders.

Ed is a real web professional -- great at design, good at tech, tries to meet users where they are at and bring them up, meets clients spec, goes way above and beyond every time in effort.  I have to say I've never had that in an outside contractor or firm to this level except once - and that guy is golden too.

Ed isn't going away from outside advice / assistance but it is being paired down to a much more manageable level.

1 comment:

  1. thanks. i do like to call myself "webminister" when i comes to church sites....
